Temple of the God King

After eradicating some of the Undead in the area south of Akatosh, Fae and I were sent to the Temple of the God King to meet with the elder Alfar about what we have recently uncovered about our ancient past and the findings made by the Wolf mother. They have finally accepted the new facts brought forth by the council that we did indeed come from our Mirdain cousins in the distant past before the time of Melek.

This was the first time that I had found out that Fae's mother had rumored to die out in the ocean by a hoarde of Kraken. I guess it had been too painful for her to bring up to me, and I could see in her eyes
that it was not her favorite subject.

What was still in question was the difference between an Alfar and a Mirdain, and why we had split. This discussion usually ends with arguments and stubborn old men unwilling to accept our relation to what was once our kin.

According to the Wolf mother who had supposedly died with the evidence proving her claims, Alfar came from a large clan of Mirdain who were starving to death and saved by Melek. She had brought back with her records of Agon that were lost to us, explaining our history from an unexpected and different version of the story we so traditionally hold onto.

Fae promised to fill me in on the details of the story someday and what she had witnessed but for now she was still grieving the loss of her mother in her own way... which was silent respect for the dead... the old-fashioned Alfar way.

Our meeting had ended abruptly by the rants of a travel arriving about some of the Alfar sighted right outside of the Temple grounds, wanted for murder of their own kind and going against the plan for unity.

I had went down to investigate and found someone near a hamlet being built, fighting against some of the foes of ours found in the area. I watched and waited for my opportunity and then attacked her.

Immediately I knew that I had done something wrong. Melek seemed to warn me in spirit that if I had slain her that I would also become wanted. This confused me, and I tried to run but some of her fellow goons had corned me and ganked me on a rock. The Gods and Goddesses seemed to hear my soul in that I did not forgive them for the act, as I had stopped fighting and ran.

I was resurrected back at Bel Melek with newfound caution.

What had happened may have caused a stir.


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