The Sorry Revenant and Ogre village

Curious thing happened today as I fought the Revenants.... I was picking berries and minding my own business when a group attacked me. I had slain them with some effort and more kept coming and the battle went on for a long time. Others came and assisted and left with some of the goods acquired for our people... and I was alone able to handle myself just fine when I encountered what could be a good sign of understanding between our people.

What had appeared to be the leader had come out and stood there refusing to budge. I circled around him curiously and he eyed the destruction around with regret. I felt almost bad for the Revenant as he seemed to accept the responsibility for failing his people. He took a dagger and thrust it into his own chest... this took me by surprise and I did not know how to respond. His eyes begged forgiveness and had shown compassion that I did not think existed among them. I tried to end his misery as fast as possible and found myself unable to get those eyes out of my mind.

On my way back to the Alfar city nearby I saw Hawks circling up in the sky making more noise than usual.. a symbol that they seem to worship? I am still learning more about their magic.

Later on I had met up with Fae and we were sent to slay Ogres that were living nearby. They had been raiding our traders, hurling rocks, and taking all of the goods for themselves. We arrived and found about ten of them that took about an hour to bring down. Luckily we were able to retrieve some of the goods and returned them to the nearby city from which they were taken.


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