Facing the Biletooth Mob

I awoke today overhearing a crowd of people talking about a clan that call themselves the Gentlemen declaring war on another clan called Furia... the details and political background unknown at this point but we all know that this is just the beginning of what may turn into a civil war of sorts.

I woke up Fae and told her the news.... and explained how we must tread more carefully than usual among our own kind. She did not like the idea of a civil war and has been extra jumpy while harvesting that morning.

Meanwhile through our network of spies that had formed our clan the Dark Side have been testing humans as we had knew would happen.. and so far Mr. Rod, a mistress of Riverdale, and someone known as Delray had paid the price for whatever mistakes they had made. Their heads rumored to have been on display for others to see.

7     7        7

Fae and I were called to the city of Akathos to confront the dreaded Biletooth that had slain me the previous day. We had studied magic all day preparing for the confrontation. This time I would not be alone when facing him and had the help of a couple other Alfar. We did not bother with petty negotiations this time..... this time we ambushed the Goblins for payback!

Biletooth Encounter

He went down easily this time as I had shot balls of lightning one after the other upon him and then we finished him off at close range. His minions came at us nonstop and we even had to face some of his closest kin that were just as strong. The weapons that we had recovered from their bodies were the best that we had come across thus far!


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