Nector of the Gods and the Goblin hunt

"A koz was killed by a Mahirim Male" 

I hope the building is going well. I have been harvesting materials and sending them to distant places.

An alliance of all races has been formed at the edge of the world and we call ourselves the Dark Side.

Not everyone will choose our path, and there may be conflict in the future... we have allied with some other clans and together should have a new home soon!

We are looking to expand or trade and live well with some of us having the hopes of someday being able to leave the edge of the world and return to the other side where the good Dragons still exist. We dare not do this until they reach us first. Traveling there has been a disaster to their people.... our sickness we carried on accident spread too fast. The Dark Side will patrol the oceans and make sure that no one else makes the same mistake again.

The 4our corners of the world is rumored to be safe to inhabit.

They tell me that Yssam is like a wild jungle and the regular laws of Agon do not apply.

Excited to see it someday!

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Our sewers have been recently populated by Scumling creatures that live off of filth.. I have been given a quest to negotiate some kind of deal with 4 Scumling workers in order to get a Scumling guard willing to allow us to come to some kind of agreement with their queen.

I brought 2 Goblin axes for good luck.... and tried to communicate with them effectively. They seemed to understand but misinterpret everything said in a way that became violent fast. We knew what we had to do... we took their threats seriously.

I fought my way to the queen, nearly dying along the way. My skills as a Mage are only at an apprentice level but our church of Fen has promised to teach me things as she finds new magic with scribing for us. Regardless, I made my way to the queen. She was not happy to see me and I was unable to convince her to stop their attack upon our people. Thankfully another Alfar was by my side and we were able to take her down quickly, but had a little bit of a struggle for our lives against her guards that remained.

I gathered clues for the church of Fen to look into.. hopefully find some ways to further my magic more. The essence of truth is always something we seek. With knowledge comes power, and with power comes miracles.

Melek, please look after my people to ensure our survival.


I met with Fae (the daughter and head of the ancient Alfar Wolf clan)... we met with some crafters in Shoal and made our way back to Bel Melek.

Saved by the Bell?

I met with Taelis again and he updated me on the Goblin negotiations. He gave me the Nector of the Gods (the purest drink that we have been able to make thus far) and told me to face the Goblins again as they have returned. Perhaps, this time, they will not make the same mistakes, and if they do, I will not let them take us down!

He gave me 2 apples to bring to the Merchant with the new orders.

We will protect our heads as we try our best to protect all things of Agon... especially the giving trees that bring us fruit. The merchant understood our plan right away and had me deliver a message for the blacksmith. He also was all in our plan and they awarded me with a pot for good health for my journey.

I have defeated the queen of the sewers... I should be able to handle myself if things get out of hand again this time.

Word is out that there may be traitors are among us and to watch my back, even be wary of the Alfar..

The Battle of One


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