Biletooth the Goblin Highlord

The clouds came in thick as we crept closer to the Goblin camp... Fae Wolf said a prayer as I drank the nector of the Gods.... and with new found strength we went forth and found that the Goblins had returned in full strength, in numbers that we could not count!

The shamans came to me first. I offered the lead shaman berry oatmeal in exchange for Lizard on a stick. The idea was to save some of the last species of good Dragons on Agon. The tiny Lizard in which they like the eat so much are nearing the end of the road for their species. Our translators did the best that they could, but the Goblins were offended as it was their traditional food and they did not accept our food lightly. They were insulted by our suggestion but he took the oats from my hand which made us hopeful.....


Upon first taste of the oatmeal, the shaman spit it out and marked me with his magic.


Immediately we knew that our negotiations had failed!

More Goblins than I could count came charging me and we had not only Alfar, but an Ork traveler who had come to witness our attempts, recording everything for his people back home. After a long and harsh battle we were able to stand our ground, and even Fae proved herself worthy on the battlefield!

We were able to loot many bodies of the Goblins and found new artifacts to study.... essence of the truth. I found on one of the bodies a mysterious key with nothing but the letter M etched into it. More opportunities for greater Magic, so we returned to Bel Melek and put our findings into further study.

We had unlocked the secret to new magical thoughts as the Goblins had raided some of our brothers with threats of pay back. We knew they were serious, and there seemed to be more Goblins than Alfar so we had to have another meeting on our next actions. I was given the task of traveling to Akathos in order to gather information there where they seemed to be massing together in greater numbers than we had expected. They have been raiding our trade wagons and making our roads dangerous to travel.

I went to Akathos right away and updated them on our current situation. I found that I had to test many of our own again to make sure that we were on the same page, and have to follow the code, this time with 2 pieces of bread.

What is the greater good that we must follow, Melek?

Arinthu the merchant gave me a special message to deliver to Shoals merchant, Ninvah. The contents I must keep discreet as there has been word of brother against brother lately with the new found Awakening.

This is the Golden Age.

The new age of Magic and study.

We just want to find the truth and do the best that we can... live in this harsh world without problems.

During our secret meeting we tested the soil of our lands..... we had found that it has become richer, promising better food, but there was still no guarantee that it would improve, so my task was clear.

Our dirt will be worth more someday... this I must promise our people!

We also need more resurrections as we are outnumbered around every corner we turn.

We had built some slave pens in Akathos for some of the Goblin captives, in hopes to talk some sense into them and then set them free, and I was sent to check up on a merchant that had recently been robbed by the Goblins.

I traveled with ease, because of my recent victories, and had no fear of what awaited us.

I came across a huge battlefield between the Goblins and Alfar.... corpses littered as far as I could see. I fought my way up a mountain and helped a couple escape then fled back into a dreaded valley where the rampage went on.

And there I saw him...

Biletooth, they had warned me about. He was far more fierce and had magic blessing him in ways that I had not encountered before. I kept my distance at first, and circled him alone, trying to lower his defenses.

Suddenly I had lost him, and around the corner when I had least suspected it, he stuck to my back and went berserk!!!

I fell...... again have failed Melek and Fae..... leaving everything that I had acquired for the Goblins to loot and prepare for my resurrection.

I hope that this time I will be forgiven as I have done great good this day.

Avenge me, brother Alfar!

I will return and find this Biletooth so long as I am chosen to return to Agon.

The red fades..... another day....... I pray to have my vengeance!


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